What a fun spring weekend we had. Saturday was spent starting the morning off with a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast. 4-H fruit arrived so after cleaning a bit, we delivered the wonderful fruit to some. Visited for a few hours with our friends Deb and Dan Salfer while the boys played with Aldon. Zach barefoot for the first day of the season. The played on the tramp, examined the semi, played hide and seek in the yard, examined around other buildings on the yard all while we visited outside. It was beautiful weather! Snow is almost all gone on the snow hill. The boys rode on the 4 wheeler allot. Saturday night after putting the kids to bed, (Andrew babysat) Jeff and I picked up our neighbors Jim and Jennifer Zollner and headed to Redwood to the VFW to listen to our favorite home town band "Bus Nine." They are wonderful! You can check them out, Bus Nine on myspace. listen to their music. We love it! Today was layed back. Up early for 8am church, Catholic Aid Meeting - I'm VP. Brunch at the Roadhouse for a 4-H livestock fundraiser. That was wonderful. Home and more laundry. Jeff cleaned the gutters on the house and fixed on on the 2ND story. That was scary to watch as it was very windy today. I had to hold the ladder. Nap for me and Zach, Wildlife practice for Jeff and Andrew. That's what they get when they win. Keep studying. To end the night we had steaks on the grill for the first time this season. Wonderful!
Of course I can't forget about the big car races the boys had in the kitchen with about 50 of their favorite matchbox cars. It is so fun watching them play and get along together. Andrew is working on being patient with Zach which is a good thing.
Ahhhhh.... the sound of the rain drops and my boys sleeping after a fun weekend.
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